Resource Centre Career Development 20 Smart Questions to Ask in an Interview in 2024

20 Smart Questions to Ask in an Interview in 2024

Asking questions during an interview shows the interviewer you are prepared and interested in the job. Learn questions to ask at the end of an interview.

questions to ask in an interview

Have you ever been in a job interview? At the end of nearly every job interview, the interviewer is likely to ask if you have any questions.

At this stage, you must pose questions to the interviewer to learn more about the role and the company. This guide will provide you with questions to ask in an interview.

When in a job interview, it’s important to stay prepared with the questions to ask at the end of an interview. Whenever the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions? You don’t want to be caught off guard. It’s important to have a plan and ask questions specific to that role and company.

Asking questions during an interview shows the interviewer you are prepared and interested in the job. To achieve this, have a list of questions to ask the interviewer. This makes you look interested and enthusiastic. Also, you increase your chances of getting the job.

Not asking questions at the end of the interview gives the interviewer the impression that you take any opportunity that comes your way.

How do you approach this part of the interview? And what type of questions should you ask? In this article, you’ll learn 20+ smart questions to ask in an interview. Without further ado, let’s get started.

questions to ask in an interview

Unique interview questions to ask employer

Did you know that “Do you have any questions for us”? is one of the most important job interview questions? 

Employers view asking questions as a direct reflection of how interested you are in the opportunity and the ability to think critically.

During the interview, use this opportunity to assess the organization and know if you want to work there. Asking these questions helps you determine if the opportunity is good for you.

Here are unique questions to ask during an interview:

Company Specific Questions

  1. How do you describe your organization culture?

Asking this question shows the interviewer that you are concerned about the     organization’s culture. Ask a question such as, what would it be like to work in this  company?

  1.  What type of employee seems to succeed here?

Asking this question shows the interviewer you are concerned about your success and that of the company.

  1. What do you find most challenging about working in this organisation?

Asking this question helps you understand potential challenges in the company. By understanding these challenges you get the ability to assess and overcome them.

  1. What is most exciting about working here?

Asking this question at the end of an interview provides you with a glance at the positive aspects of the company culture.

  1. How does the company measure success in this role?

Asking this question helps you understand the company’s performance expectations. You get an idea of how to set your goals so that they are in alignment with the company’s objectives.

6. Can you describe a typical day or week in this company?

Asking this question helps you visualize what it will be like to work in the company day after day.

7. What skills and qualities do you think are of importance to  succeed in this role and company?

Asking this question helps you become aware of the skills to master and the attitude to adopt in order to succeed. You can also visualize your career growth path and demonstrate your commitment to the company’s success.

8. What are the company’s core values and how are they reflected in this role?
Asking this question helps you understand the company values, assess if they align with yours, and determine whether you’ll succeed in the organization.

questions to ask at the end of an interview

Team Specific Questions

9. Who will I work closely with?

Asking this question makes you aware of the team you’ll work with and how collaboration comes in.

  1. Can you tell me more about the team and how this role fit within it?

Asking this question helps you understand the team you’ll work with, how they work and know if your work style will match well with theirs.

  1. How does the company foster professional development for its employees?

Asking this question lets you know if you will have career growth opportunities. Also, you demonstrate to your interviewer you are ambitious and desire to learn.

  1. What challenges is the team currently facing and how can this role address them?

Asking this question in an interview demonstrates your problem-solving skills. You also get to understand the team’s challenges and showcase your value as a potential solution provider.

  1. Is there collaboration across departments?

Asking this question in an interview showcases your interest in contributing to organizational growth using various departments.

Assessing Future and Growth Specific Questions

  1. What are the long-term goals for this position?

Asking this question in an interview helps you understand the role’s trajectory and helps you see its potential impact.

  1. What does success look like for someone in this role after one year?

Asking this question in an interview allows you to envision and visualize your career path to succeed in this role.

  1. How does the company stay ahead in its industry as technology is dynamic?

Asking this question will help you understand the company’s level of adaptability to new technologies. This will offer you insights to try new strategies so as the company remains competitive.

Unique interview questions to ask your employer

  1. What are some of the projects and campaigns currently underway within the team?

This question showcases your genuine interest and curiosity on the ongoing team projects.

  1. How does the company help employees maintain their work-life balance?

Asking this question helps you understand how you will balance work and personal life. It shows your interviewer that you want to maintain a healthy professional and personal life. life.

  1. How does the company promote sustainability in its operations?

Asking this question shows the interviewer that you’re curious about the company’s growth and business approach.

  1. What measures does the company take to ensure transparency and open communication across the company?

Asking this question shows your desire for open communication and growth.

Wrapping Up

Asking insightful questions in an interview helps you to understand the company and role. Through these questions you can gauge if the job is a right fit for you.

Remember to ask questions that are specific to the company and the role you are interviewing for.

Asking questions at the end of an interview shows what kind of a person you are and what interests you. This increases your chances of being hired as you position yourself as well-informed, ready to learn, and highly engaging.

Judy Nduati
Judy Nduati
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