Resource Centre Career Development Embracing Change: Keep Going Like a Superstar

Embracing Change: Keep Going Like a Superstar

The only constant thing in life is change. Life changes, even for those who are unwilling to change. The thing about change, however, is that it changes even if you don’t embrace it. The modern workplace is characterized by constant change. With competition being tight and technology doing its part to transform how business is […]

Embracing change

The only constant thing in life is change. Life changes, even for those who are unwilling to change. The thing about change, however, is that it changes even if you don’t embrace it. The modern workplace is characterized by constant change. With competition being tight and technology doing its part to transform how business is conducted, every company undergoes some form of change from time to time. The overarching goal being the ability to remain competitive.

As an individual, change is also good as it will often signify growth. As the company changes, so should you. This is the only way to keep being at your best and keep growing. Those who do not change are often pushed out in the end or they remain stagnant for the rest of their careers. Obviously, this is a boring place to be at, so it is in your best interest to roll with the times, or the times will roll over you.

With this in mind, it is also important to remember that change is often uncomfortable. In many cases, the change will require you to get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself beyond your normal limits. This, of course, can be stressful and requires extra effort. However, those who embrace change often end up growing and finding success in the course of the change.

Here is how to embrace change and keep growing.

  1. Understand that Change is Inevitable

Change is inevitable

Change is something that is not easy to control. However, what you can take control of is how you adapt to the changes happening around you. Whether it is a shift in strategy or departmental reorganization, these are things beyond your control and which can propel you to the next level or signify the beginning of your downfall. However, it is important to realize that change will always have an impact on you but how you go about accepting the change is what affects the outcome. If you realize that change is inevitable, you are more likely to be positive about the change and have an easier time adapting to the new situation. However, if you are against the change, you spend a lot of time and energy trying to fight back or keep things as they have always been, which eventually harms your growth and ability to emerge bigger.

  2. Have an Open Mind and Be Flexible

Understandably, change is hard and can be stressful. Since it signifies a shift in the operations of the company, it is bound to require some shift in your mindset. This process can, however, be smoother if you maintain an open mind to new opportunities and the possibilities presented by the change. An open mind helps you navigate through challenges that you are bound to face in the course of the change. These can act as situations to help you learn and grow, rather than to break your spirit and bring you down.

On the other hand, flexibility can significantly help you have an easier time with the changes taking place. This is because you are able to conform to the changes, learn quickly and move with the times. It also means that you are able and willing to learn new things and change the way you were conducting business before.

  3. Think of the Long-Term Benefits

The whole point of change is to improve the organization and individuals within the organization in the long run. Granted, change can be tough but when you have a clear understanding of the long-term goal, it becomes easier to embrace the change and move along with it. Having a long-term mindset helps you understand that the problems you are facing in the course of the change are meant to make things better both for you and for the organization in the end. Additionally, this helps you see opportunities that might arise in the future so that you can start aligning yourself to be able to take on these opportunities when they arise.

   4. Manage the Stress

Stress management

The changes happening at your workplace are definitely not going to be smooth. They will require you to put in more effort and in some cases, this could even learning a new set of skills altogether. Despite being positive about the change, it can take a toll on you and as such, you should find ways of coping with the stressful situation while it lasts. Find a hobby, take some time off, and most of all use the hours outside work to relax and rejuvenate. This will help you take on the challenges you will face in a more positive way.

   5. Breakdown Tasks into Small Activities

Changes will often require you to take on new tasks or projects, which can seem monumental before you start. Moreover, everything can feel urgent and this can easily lead to stress. The first thing to do is to understand the role of the task at hand and what its contribution to the overall goal is. Once this is clear, break down the task into small activities that systematically help you knock out the entire task. These steps help you manage the stress and pressure that comes with the change. In the end, you will get to achieve your goal and survive the change.

   6. Do Not be Afraid to Fail

Change comes with a lot of uncertainties and in many cases, you get to encounter a lot of things for the first time. This can be scary, especially since you do not know what any action will result in. however, do not let the uncertainty cripple you. Be willing to take risks and learn from the experience. Failure teaches you what not to try and what works and this helps you move ahead in a more informed manner. Therefore, take on new challenges boldly and try out new ideas with the aim of learning and not succeeding. This helps you have an open-mind to emerging situations.

  7. Work Closely with Your Colleagues


Since you are all probably going through a similar situation, moving ahead as a team is often helpful, as this allows you to learn from one another and complement each other’s weaknesses. Moreover, colleagues can help you see things from a different perspective, which is helpful especially in stressful situations. Therefore, lean on the skills and experiences of your co-workers, who will help you manage the changes from the perspective of the organization’s culture and from having a shared goal.

Changes are usually difficult stressful. However, change is constant and success only comes from realizing that change can help you grow. Therefore, how you handle the change is the differentiating factor between success and failure. Therefore, take on those changes happening all around you with a positive mind and a winning attitude and you will be destined for success.

Have you had to go through changes in the workplace lately? Share with us how you managed the situation.

Njeri Karanja
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