Resource Centre Employer’s Corner Introducing Link Out: A New Way to Recruit Talent Seamlessly

Introducing Link Out: A New Way to Recruit Talent Seamlessly

Eager for a seamless recruitment process? Introducing BrighterMonday Link Out, a solution flexible enough to accommodate your existing recruitment processes.

Introducing BrighterMonday Link out: A solution for seamless recruitment

Hiring starts with the recruiter’s activity. The better your hiring process, the easier it is to get the talent that your business needs.

Employers alike are interested in hiring the best professionals available, using the best sourcing methods available, and using less effort for the hiring manager.

Introducing BrighterMonday’s link out solution; a custom premier solution that promises reduced efforts for HR personnel and a seamless hiring experience.

For instance, recruiters get to stay in their comfort zone while tapping top talent as they don’t have to abandon their preferred recruitment processes while hiring.

The Linkout Solution gives employers a seamless hiring experience, by directing applicants from the BrighterMonday platform to their preferred recruitment channels.

In other words, candidates can apply on several websites, through online forms, in person, or by postal address. As a result, hiring managers may continue to employ their present recruitment processes. 

This new solution is intended to complement the current hiring tools that recruiters use. It is ideal for:

– Corporate firms, that have invested significantly in an inhouse Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and are looking to hire talent more effectively.

– NGOs/NPOs, looking to hire talent and require applicants to fill in a questionnaire (with more than 5 questions) along with a CV and a Cover Letter.

– Public and Government Institutions looking to hire talent and require to have applicants make in-person or apply via post along with a CV and a Cover Letter.

This solution makes your recruitment process seamless giving you a wider pool of candidates. Moreover, it grants hiring managers access to large pools of talent in addition to using their existing recruitment processes.

Enjoy a seamless hiring experience with Link Out

Candidates can apply on different websites, via online forms, in person, or via postal address. With the Linkout Solution, hiring managers do not have to abandon their preferred recruitment processes. 

As a DIY product, the process flow for using Link Out is as simple as the 4 steps below:

Step 1: Log in to the ATS

Step 2: Purchase a Link Out Credit

Step 3: Post a Link Out Job. Ensure to include where you want Candidates to Be “linked out” (e.g. you can set a URL of where candidates can be redirected to)

Step 4: Receive applications to your prefered destination and start shortlisting.

Link out will complement current hiring tools and help hiring managers to make data-based decisions.

Therefore, giving them access to data insights to show you how many candidates viewed a job advert and had intended to apply.

It provides everything in our Best Match listing solution, plus:

  • Seamless Hiring Experience
  • Customized Application Journey For Seekers
  • Referral Traffic From a Trusted Website
  • Brand Visibility and Awareness


Find out more about Link out here and enjoy a seamless hiring experience today.

Vanessa Njenga
Notification Bell