Resource Centre Life At Work How to Manage Introverts in the Workplace

How to Manage Introverts in the Workplace

The workplace is a mix of different personalities, to which a manager must understand the best way to manage introverts and extroverts. An introvert is an individual who tends to lean on the quiet and reserved end. An extrovert, on the other end, is a socially outgoing person. Most introverts, just like extroverts, hold steady […]

manage introverts

The workplace is a mix of different personalities, to which a manager must understand the best way to manage introverts and extroverts. An introvert is an individual who tends to lean on the quiet and reserved end. An extrovert, on the other end, is a socially outgoing person. Most introverts, just like extroverts, hold steady jobs. An important way to ensure their needs are met in the workplace include understanding different personality types and working to include both in performance assessments.

If you are a manager or supervisor, the following tips offer insights on how to manage introverts in the workplace.

1. Evaluate your method of management

Do you know what kind of manager you are? Perhaps your style of management resonates more with extroverts, albeit unconsciously. Most managers tend to relate easily with the outgoing group, making the shy and quiet group less likely to feel included. Recognize your method of management, and if it seems to leave the introverts out, it may be time to re-evaluate yourself. It is as easy to manage introverts as it is with extroverts, once you identify their personality types.

manage introverts

2. Incorporate written communication

Most introverts are likely to communicate better in writing as compared to making speeches during meetings. They are likely to need time to organize their thoughts, expertly, and in time. Communicating with them via text or email makes it easier to collect their thoughts on various topics. It reduces the need to respond immediately, which enables them to relay the ideas they have with no pressure.

manage introverts

3. Motivate them to participate in discussions

It goes without saying that shy people are unlikely to voice their opinions in groups. This means that to effectively manage introverts, it is essential to encourage them to give ideas through soft nudges during meetings or one-on-one sessions. Most introverts are highly thoughtful people and with in-depth knowledge of various topics. This is due to the fact that while extroverts share opinions, introverts are likely to collect thoughts from various research places to stay informed.

manage introverts

4. Recognize their strengths and speak for them

Introverts are more likely to suffer from imposter syndrome as compared to extroverts. They will not self promote themselves, however good they are at their work. It is important as a manager to identify these employees and occasionally speak up for them. Of course, this should not mean actually having to speak for them. As a manager, speaking for introverts includes congratulating them on a good job, promoting their ideas in meetings, or rewarding their work with various work incentives and motivators.

5. Prioritize team building activities

Everyone has a place of comfort. This means that introverts have situations they feel most free to participate in. To efficiently manage introverts then, a manager or supervisor can incorporate team building activities, pairing the introverts with the individuals they feel better related to. This way, they are likely to participate and provide avenues to open up to new ideas. Despite their love of solitude, introverts are likely to be daring in the right team set-ups.

manage introverts

Additionally, a manager or supervisor can assist introverts through personal follow-ups to understand their train of thought. When introverts feel included in the workplace, they gradually tend to flourish. Introverts tend to make the best leaders when nurtured well and with proper guidance and direction. As the workplace changes, identifying different personality traits goes a long way in ensuring everyone’s needs is catered for.

Maureen Daisy
Notification Bell