Resource Centre Career Development Online vs Classroom Learning: Pros And Cons

Online vs Classroom Learning: Pros And Cons

Online or traditional learning, which is best for you? Gone are the days when learners had to sit through classes and set their schedules around their classes. Modern ways of learning have brought with them lots of flexibility in how and where people learn from. If you’re considering taking a new course or obtaining a […]

online vs classroom learning

Online or traditional learning, which is best for you?

Gone are the days when learners had to sit through classes and set their schedules around their classes. Modern ways of learning have brought with them lots of flexibility in how and where people learn from.

If you’re considering taking a new course or obtaining a degree, you might have found yourself asking this question, “Should I take an online course or should I opt for the traditional, face-to-face learning method?” You’re not alone. In fact, some students end up choosing a mix of both, as there could be great advantages to having a “double experience”.

Well, here are good reasons to help you make that decision.

Online courses: anytime, anywhere

Online learning

Taking online courses might require time, discipline and dedication, but if this is not a problem, you will find it to be a great solution, especially if you have less time on your hands. Since most online degrees provide a certificate of completion, you will end up acquiring the same knowledge and recognition you would in a classroom course, with greater flexibility and at your convenience.

Why should you take online courses?

  • Research has shown that online courses are a great way to acquire new skills without having to push yourself too much
  • You don’t have a mandatory attendance schedule. You get to choose when to take your classes
  • Since most online courses offer replays, you can adjust your learning time to your day-to-day schedule, whether you’re a full-time worker or still finishing a degree
  • Easier communication with teachers due to smaller class sizes. You can ask anything via email, while you may not be able to do so in a classroom with 150 students. Of course, this also means personalised learning
  • Online courses tend to cost much less than in-person classes, due to extra costs with transportation, food or even accommodation

Why online courses might be a bad idea

  • You will be missing out on networking opportunities, getting to know the school culture and attending the school’s activities.
  • You will have to motivate yourself not to miss any classes and stay very disciplined when it comes to extra assignments.
  • Even if you take online courses, you might have to come on campus to hand in work or consult with the teachers – which is exactly what you wanted to avoid in the first place.

On campus courses: networking mode on

Classroom learning

The social interactions that happen in the classroom and on campus are a stat that always speaks in support of taking courses in person. In fact, these interactions can often lead to students further developing great skills that can, down the road, help them become better team players, leaders and business persons.

Why should you take on-campus courses?

  • You will have a great opportunity to interact with other students, build up your social skills and create a network of people, which you can refer to later
  • You will have a deeper knowledge of the materials because you were in the classroom, while they were being taught. The chance to interact with other students and teachers is also an amazing way to learn
  • Students get a lot of one-on-one time with professors during breaks between classes, which is a great opportunity to expand their knowledge and to connect. One of your teachers could even refer you to someone in the industry

Why on campus courses might be a bad idea

  • Class attendance is mandatory in most cases. This means you might get graded based on your assiduity
  • If you don’t live close to the school, you might end up having extra costs with transportation. Spending too much time commuting can also be something to consider.
  • If you’re working full-time, attending classes after work or during the weekends might be a challenge.

Are you ready to make a decision, now that we have pointed out the major pros and cons of online courses vs. classroom training? Find the right course for you at BrighterMonday Learning.

Njeri Karanja
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