Resource Centre Career Development Online Work Success Story: Program Manager Teresios Bundi

Online Work Success Story: Program Manager Teresios Bundi

Online work is a great way of making money. Program Assistant Manager Teresios Bundi made over sh9000/- in a month while in campus. Here is his story.

Teresios Bundi poses

I got into the online work space eight years ago and it was by accident. I was a cash-strapped second year student at Kenyatta University pursuing a degree in Public Health and although I was lucky to have a job at the time, it was an unpaid internship.

I remember this day, where I had a KSh100 note in my hand and was torn between buying mobile data bundles for my phone or saving the money and using it the next day. But as I recalled a conversation I overheard among my classmates about making money from online jobs, I decided I wanted to give it a try. At least I could have a chance to earn some extra cash. 

So I bought the data bundles, loaded them up on my android phone and on the search browser, I typed, ‘How to make money online’. So many job options came up, but I decided to try online writing. I signed up on a site called oDesk and started reaching out to some of the potential employers.

That week, I used my lunch breaks to search for jobs on the site and luckily it paid off. I got a client who was willing to pay me KSh500 to write an article. I was off to a good start and after a while I found another client who agreed to pay me KSh9,000 per month to develop articles for their social media platforms. 

I was so excited when I got this opportunity because it showed me that I could earn a living from doing online work. To date, I have completed over 300 writing projects, and this has earned me the Top-Rated Freelancer’s badge on Upwork. 

My online writing experience was the beginning of an exciting career path, one that was different from what I studied in University. 

I have worked as a digital skills trainer under the Refugee Employment and Skills Initiative (RESI) program at Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya. The program was aimed at equipping the refugees with digital skills that would enable them to get online jobs with local and international companies. 

Since then, I have had the opportunity to work with different organizations who champion for the digital economy. Today, I work with eMobilis who are partners with Ajira. My role as the Program Assistant Manager is to offer guidance to the curriculum trainers, support the roll out of the virtual trainings and assist in job linkages.

The internet has made it possible for more people to earn a living from anywhere, regardless of where they are in the world. From my own experience, the opportunities are limitless, and I would encourage young people to take advantage of the programs offered by Ajira. You may not make hundreds of thousands right away, but you will get there if you are persistent.

Start by registering here for free virtual digital training and earn an extra income. Take advantage of this  free training and mentorship to get the skills required for today’s digital world.

Ivy Muigai
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