Resource Centre Career Development Why You Should Pursue An MBA In Kenya

Why You Should Pursue An MBA In Kenya

Reasons why an MBA is good for your career Enrollment numbers for MBAs have risen sharply in recent times. Many universities have MBA programmes while others even offer executive MBAs. In today’s business space, an MBA is an important tool for your career growth and if you are planning to rise to the top, then […]

Reasons why an MBA is good for your career

Enrollment numbers for MBAs have risen sharply in recent times. Many universities have MBA programmes while others even offer executive MBAs. In today’s business space, an MBA is an important tool for your career growth and if you are planning to rise to the top, then you should seriously consider pursuing an MBA.

Before enrolling for your classes, however, you need to know exactly why you are going for it. Numerous advantages lie at the end of that certificate including getting a salary bump. Here are compelling reasons to enrol for that MBA today.

  1. It is your gateway to better career opportunities

Better career opportunities

Climbing the career ladder is a mixture of the right experience and skills. To make the process faster for you, you can easily obtain an MBA and fast-track that growth process. Professionals with MBAs have better chances of getting mid to senior level management opportunities within their industries. MBA graduates are equipped with the right business management skills required in today’s world so it comes as no surprise that getting to the top is made faster for those with MBAs.

  1.  You get to gain the right managerial skills

Managerial skills

Whether you want to rise to management level or start your own business, having the right skills makes it much easier for you to successfully run the position. An MBA opens up your mind to greater opportunities and worldwide experience. In some instances, platforms such as QS World MBA allows students from all over the world to learn in some of the most reputable institutions in the world. As a result, you get to learn and interact with the best executives in the world and sharpen your skills.

Some of the top schools in the world are constantly remodelling their curriculums and updating them to mirror the world of business today. Learning in these institutions allows you to learn the latest trends in the business world, which are applicable to your business situation. Therefore, if you are a manager or want to establish your own business, you will have the right skills to help you excel.

  1.  You can change your career

Career change

Let’s say you started off your career in a certain field and you feel that it is time to shift gears and immerse yourself into the business world or you have been holding technical positions in your line of work and you believe it is time to move into management level. There are many routes to this. One, you can choose to rise gradually and painfully over the years, taking on more managerial tasks over time. Or you can choose to simply dive in and find your way around. Either way, both routes take a longer time and you are likely to make a few errors here and there.

You can choose to undergo MBA training, where you will be equipped with the right skills within a shorter period of time. This way, you get to learn practical skills applicable in the business world, which means that you can easily rise through the ranks of the corporate world faster.

  1.  Grow your professional network


MBA classes have become the new networking platforms for people in the business world. They offer a convenient place for business executives and managers to converge, learn, and share new ideas and insights about their experiences. With chances to learn at international levels arising every day, it is possible to learn with some of the most renowned executives in the world at some of the top schools in the world. With such networking opportunities, you have a chance to showcase your skills at bigger platforms beyond your place of work and learn from the best.

  1.  It is your chance to make a difference within your organisation

Make s difference

Due to the ability to impart practical skills in graduates, some organisations are even sponsoring their employees to pursue MBAs in some of the top institutions in the world. This is due to the realisation that the skills gained in an MBA class can immediately be applied in the business world and help in making a difference. As such, businesses seeking to adapt to the changing corporate world and stay competitive are encouraging their employees to pursue MBA classes, with some even offering better pay for those with the qualifications.

  1.  You are likely to get a promotion

Getting promoted

A qualification in MBA almost guarantees a promotion opportunity or a chance to change careers and move up your career ladder. Of course, this comes with a salary increase, and it is a good return on investment, something that is not always guaranteed in today’s job market.

Most of the people who earn an MBA are often assured of recouping their investments within a short time, which is a compelling reason for those who are trying to get a significant raise. Usually, due to the ability to gain practical skills, and apply them immediately, your performance is likely to improve, which gives you a good basis for salary negotiation.

Getting an MBA in Kenya is, of course, no guarantee that you will get a good job. It needs to be accompanied by evidence of an ability to perform exceptionally as well as deliver on your expectations. However, an MBA accelerates your chances of getting a promotion as you get practical skills, which you can quickly apply to your daily work and within no time, your output will improve. Therefore, you will be able to get practical skills, which will act as a launching pad for greater career heights.

Njeri Karanja
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