Resource Centre Job Search Advice Job Transition: Leaving A Job Without Another

Job Transition: Leaving A Job Without Another

Should you leave your current job without another? Staying on a job you dislike or one that takes a toll on you can be detrimental to your health and general performance. Sometimes, the job you do can be so dissatisfying that waking up everyday to go to work feels like a punishment, and that is […]

Should you leave your current job without another?

Staying on a job you dislike or one that takes a toll on you can be detrimental to your health and general performance. Sometimes, the job you do can be so dissatisfying that waking up everyday to go to work feels like a punishment, and that is completely okay because there may be aspects of the job which you dislike or make your stay at the company impossible.

Oftentimes, people are advised not to quit their jobs before finding new jobs. The reasons given for this vary from the assertion that employers do not like employing people who are out of a job, to the fact that sometimes, your financial status at that particular point may not be able to support you until you find another job. The question, however, remains whether you should quit your job or not, while you don’t have another. There is really no clear or straight forward answer to that question so here are a few things you should consider while this question lingers;

  1. Your financial status

Personal finance

While your job might be sapping the energy out of you, your bills still look up to you to be settled. Making that job transition requires you to have a clear financial plan to help you survive the period you will be without a job. Does your savings account have the ability to sustain you for at least 6 months without a source of income? Do you have a side hustle to keep you going for a while? If not, is it possible for you to downgrade your life as you look for another steady stream of income?

Quitting your job is not just about leaving behind all the things you do not like about it. There is the financial aspect which is very important as you do not want to find yourself hungry and homeless one month after calling it quits.

  1. Your health and general well being

Personal health

Sometimes your job may be having a negative impact on your health. It may be in form of a stressful working environment which is causing you numerous health issues and you may be better off without it. Your health should be your top priority and if your job is affecting your health, then you should consider quitting even before you find another one.

  1. What is your plan B?

In today’s world of work, job security is not a guarantee. Therefore, you are advised to have a plan B for your career. If you are planning to quit your job, consider your plan B. This may be anything from a freelance gig to strengthening your side hustle. Whatever the case, ensure that your plan B is solid enough to keep you busy and help you pay your bills. Staying productive after quitting your job can be helpful as you make the transition from your current job. You get to do what you enjoy doing while making a solid plan for your next move and you save yourself from waking up the following day and asking yourself what you should do. Finally, a plan B gives you a soft landing patch, which will help you readjust to life without a regular job as you look for another.

  1. Your support system

Social network

A support system is a network of friends and family who can help you get through the jobless phase. During this phase, and especially if your job was negatively impacting your health, you might need social support to get back on your feet. If you have a strong support network, you will find the transition very smooth but if not, then you might have to face some rough patches on your own.

Another important factor is your network of professionals. This one comes in handy while trying to find your next job. With a strong professional network, you might not stay out of a job for too long and this time round, you can be very specific about the exact kind of job you are looking for.

That said, in some instances, you might want to quit your job with no other job in sight and with no plan B.

Here are some of those situations that may require you to jump into the deep end;

  1. If your values and those of the organisation are on a collision path

Personal values

Maybe you are being required to do things that are improper and outright illegal and this is causing you a lot of moral conflicts. It may seem like it is easy to ignore the illegal activities as long as you can earn your living. However, every time you are required to carry out a task, your subconscious is not at peace as you know it is unethical. In the end, you will not be productive and this will not help your career. In such a case, you can choose to walk away for the sake of your career.

  1. When giving excuses for not coming to work becomes a habit

Work excuses

You woke up on Monday and you just did not feel like going to work. The same thing happened on Wednesday and was it not that important meeting with the CEO of Friday, you would have skipped work as well. The next week you hit the repeat button and you have become so good at it that you have discovered illnesses you did not know existed. Calling in sick has become your default setting, not because you are really sick, but because you just don’t like your job and giving excuses is easier than facing a gruelling day at your desk, while watching the clock. This is a clear case of a lack of passion and staying on this job will not help you advance your career. Well, in this case, you are better off without that job because in any case, you are not being productive and explaining to your boss why you can’t come to work all the time is not exactly how to have a bright career.

      3. If you are constantly sick because of your job

Sometimes, your job may be stressing you so much that you have a constant headache or your physical and mental well-being are taking a hit. Your health is very important and if your job is taking more from you than it is offering you, then you should quit immediately. Whether you have a plan B or not, you should quit that job if it is making you ill or is unsafe. Constant stress leads to a bad health and this can only mean that the job is not favourable for you so you are better off without it.

  1. If your pay is irregular

Irregular income

Last month’s salary came in on the 15th of the following month. Before that, you were paid your salary in bits and pieces and you can hardly plan your monthly budget because you never know when your pay will come. Entrepreneurs will tell you that a steady stream of income in business is not guaranteed but then again, they have learned how to plan their lives accordingly and when the pay cheque comes for them, it is often huge and can sustain them for a while. However, your income may not be that much and going for several months with one pay cheque is next to a miracle for you. If the employer does not value your skills enough to pay you on a regular and agreed-upon date, then you have no business staying on board. Chances are, you spend more time chasing the employer around to pay you or worrying about how to make some money to keep you going until your employer decides to pay you, than working.       

       5.  When you are being harassed or abused at work

workplace harassment

First of all, it is a criminal offence for your boss or anyone else to be harassing you or abusing you at work. Your place of work should be safe and provide an optimum working environment. If you are subjected to such a working environment, chances are, you will not be productive and it can eventually lead to stress which manifests itself in the form of poor health. This is certainly not the kind of place you want to hold on to while you are waiting for another opportunity to come your way.

A job transition may not be the most smooth experience in your career. The ideal situation would be to move from one job to another. After all, no one likes the uncertainty of staying without a job as you are not sure of when the next opportunity will show up. Before you take that leap of faith, take into consideration your financial status, your plan B, your health, and your support network. However, in some instances, jumping ship with no job in sight maybe the best option, such as when your health is suffering or your working environment is unsafe. The important thing to note is that everyone’s circumstances are different so carefully weigh your options before making a decision.

Njeri Karanja
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