Resource Centre Employer’s Corner Why a Multicultural Work Place Might be Just What Your Company Needs

Why a Multicultural Work Place Might be Just What Your Company Needs

Technology, globalization and specialization have seen changing trends in the current workplace demographics. The Kenyan work space is experiencing this changes as well.  The workplace is becoming more and more multicultural with people from different religious, tribal, and even racial backgrounds creating a rich cultural mix of experiences and points of view. Here is why […]

benefits of a multicultural workplace

Technology, globalization and specialization have seen changing trends in the current workplace demographics. The Kenyan work space is experiencing this changes as well.  The workplace is becoming more and more multicultural with people from different religious, tribal, and even racial backgrounds creating a rich cultural mix of experiences and points of view. Here is why encouraging, developing and fostering a multicultural workplace could be very beneficial for your company.

Increased Innovation

Many companies claim to have innovation embedded in the DNA but in reality, it rarely happens. How can innovation be possible with employees who come from the same locality, went to the same schools, experience the same social and economic development? Similar experiences only result in the same point of view and in a way limits the potential for innovation. A workplace that has a rich mix of cultural backgrounds brings together people from different backgrounds, with different experiences and smarts that highly contribute to innovation in the company.

Better Networking Opportunities for Employees

multicultural workplace: create strong networks

As employees in your company interact with each other daily, they exchange experiences and appreciate their cultural differences more. Each employee comes with their own list and pipeline of networks that may prove useful to your business. Employees also get more exposed to how people from different backgrounds think, act and appreciate their point of view. This increases employee cohesion and team spirit in your company as employees share experiences, challenges and also fun activities.

More Creative Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is the heart of every company’s core values. They are in the business of solving a problem in the market and make profit for their ideas and implementation. Coming up with revolutionary problem-solving ideas is therefore key.  Different backgrounds and experiences equip people with different views and ways of tackling problems. This means that multicultural organisations will always have vibrant brainstorming sessions as different people bring different ideas and approaches to the table.

Provides Great Skill Pools

Talent acquisition managers know too well how difficult hiring for some positions can be. The skill set needed might be in high demand locally and hence very expensive, meaning that they might have to look outside the country. In such an instance, widening the talent pool proves useful as it opens doors to getting great talent at an economic cost while at the same time enriching the talent pool.

Good for Company Branding

multicultural workplace - employer branding

Companies that rank in surveys for best workplaces usually have an existing diversity and inclusion policy that ensures people from all backgrounds and walks of life can working for them. These companies also record continuous profitability due to their diverse boards and staff bringing in all the advantages of diversity. A study by McKinsey proves that diversity indeed does come with payoffs on a global scale.

Doreen Mueke
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