Resource Centre Research & Job Market Covid-19 Impact on Distribution of Available Job Openings

Covid-19 Impact on Distribution of Available Job Openings

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the employment sector hard across the world with job losses being recorded in millions. Closer home, the Kenyan job market has not been spared by the scourge. Over one million people in Kenya lost their jobs due to companies closing down or businesses downsizing to survive the economic downturn brought […]

covid 19 distribution available jobs

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the employment sector hard across the world with job losses being recorded in millions. Closer home, the Kenyan job market has not been spared by the scourge. Over one million people in Kenya lost their jobs due to companies closing down or businesses downsizing to survive the economic downturn brought about by the pandemic. 

In some instances, sectors like the hospitality and travel industries have faced total shutdowns, forcing companies to send their staff home on unpaid leave or layoffs. 

covid 19 distribution available jobs

As the business and job market front begin to slowly open up, we at BrighterMonday are taking a closer look at the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the job market and we have prepared this report. 

A Quick Glance at the Situation on the Ground

covid 19 distribution of jobs

Distribution of Jobs Advertised Pre and Post Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya

BrighterMonday, Kenya’s leading job board with over 4000 active employers posting jobs conducted a survey to find out the distribution of jobs in different sectors and roles across Kenya. There has been a 58% drop in the number of jobs advertised on BrighterMonday and other job aggregators as Covid-19 took hold and lock down measures implemented. Many positions in the travel and hospitality sectors were frozen in the first weeks when the virus hit Kenya.

Other sectors soon followed with most companies laying off their employees and others sending them on unpaid leave. 

We have broken down various job categories showing their distribution 10 weeks before and after Covid-19 outbreak. 

covid 19 distribution available jobs

Insights From this Data

  1. Remote work has gained a lot of ground in the past few months.
  2. As expected, the biggest gainers were in essential services and industries whose operations can easily be done remotely.
  3. Unlike other markets, job opportunities in property and real estate increased. This could be due to the fact that most people are disposing of property in an effort to maintain liquidity.
  4. As expected, the hospitality and travel industries were most hit with the cessation of movement and gathering restrictions. 

5. There is a switch to online learning and opportunities are cropping up for online teachers.

How You Can Position Yourself to Get the Available jobs

Take a new course, learn a new skill. Depending on the industry you are in, learn a new skill that is relevant to your industry now and in the new future. This will make your skills relevant in the new normal in the workplace.

Review your CV. Keep updating your CV with every new skills or qualification gained Ensure every job application you make captures your full skill set in order to showcase your value to the potential employer. If you need a professional to take a look at your CV, reach out to us and we will help you with that.

Actively look for job opportunities. Companies are striving to remain afloat and to do so they need qualified personnel with skills that will help steer their businesses to the next level during these trying times. Do not assume that there are no available positions in your industry. Continue searching.

Do not be afraid of switching careers. If you feel that your skills are relevant in a different career path and the opportunity presents a way out for you, do not be afraid to take the chance. It might turn out to be the best decision in your life. Read more about switching careers here and here. Get the tips you need.

Doreen Mueke
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