Resource Centre Employer’s Corner Hiring through Employee Referral; Why it Works

Hiring through Employee Referral; Why it Works

Hiring through employee referral both a cost-saving and time-sensitive method of recruitment. This is why some employers continue to turn to their existing employees for referrals.  It is not only a simpler process but also turns the whole team into one big recruitment team. It also helps when, as a recruitment manager, you need individual departments […]

hiring through employee referral

Hiring through employee referral both a cost-saving and time-sensitive method of recruitment. This is why some employers continue to turn to their existing employees for referrals.  It is not only a simpler process but also turns the whole team into one big recruitment team. It also helps when, as a recruitment manager, you need individual departments to take charge of their recruitment processes, since they know their particular departmental needs better. Here are a few tips on why recruitment through referral works;

1. Urgent Positions Are Filled Faster

A referred candidate is easier to hire, as compared to creating a job post, shortlisting candidates and settling on a final candidate. When hiring through an employee referral program, it is easier to get quality candidates and fill existing positions faster. This reduces the workload for both the recruitment team as well as the existing employees who take up the duties.

hiring through employee referral

2. Referred Candidates Are Cheaper To Hire

Recruitment is never just about creating a job ad, shortlisting and picking a final candidate. For instance, using an agency or recruitment board, means that you bear the cost of posting the job to find a candidate pool to shortlist from. With an employee referral program, this is massively cut down as you have a specific amount of candidates to target. You are unlikely to run the loss of not getting a couple of quality hires as referred candidates are often professionals as well in their current roles.

hiring through employee referral

3. You Will Onboard Referred Candidates Faster

Onboarding a referred candidate is easier as they already have an existing rapport with the person who referred them for the position. This makes it easier to blend into the company culture and settle into their role, faster than a traditional hiring process. The referred candidate will always feel like they already have a friend -who is not their direct boss – to ask in case they need quick assistance on something.

4. Referred Candidates Stay Longer

A referred candidate knows what they are signing up for once they accept the role. This means that the possibility of leaving the role is so much lower as compared to a new person recruited for the same position. A quality hire refers to getting the right talents. Referred candidates understand what is expected of them, which makes it easier to excel at the role in question.

hiring through employee referral

5. Referred Candidates Boost Employer Brands

Company culture has over time, become integral parts of organizational growth. A quality hire, therefore, ensures that company values and missions are shared appropriately. Referred candidates boost the organization’s brand voice as they have interacted with someone in the organization itself; so they understand what is expected. An efficient employee referral program gives you a chance to make your hiring process, faster and affordable. A bad candidate can cost an organization more than it would have recruiting quality candidates for the role. Avoid the cost of a bad hire today!

Maureen Daisy
Notification Bell