Resource Centre Jobs News & Events The 7th HR Forum: Personalized Employee Management

The 7th HR Forum: Personalized Employee Management

Every company’s objective is to hit its set revenue targets and maintain a healthy bottom line. For this to happen, employers need to ensure that employees in different departments are giving optimal output in their tasks. The BrighterMonday Millennial Report released in 2019 revealed several insights that employees consider paramount for them to perform optimally. […]

brightermonday hr forum april 2019

Every company’s objective is to hit its set revenue targets and maintain a healthy bottom line. For this to happen, employers need to ensure that employees in different departments are giving optimal output in their tasks. The BrighterMonday Millennial Report released in 2019 revealed several insights that employees consider paramount for them to perform optimally. Some of these factors include; work culture, sense of pride, relatable company values, training and development and tools.  

The 7th BrighterMonday HR Forum was held on 11th April 2019 at Fairmont The Norfolk Nairobi. The forum was held to address personalized employee management with pillars of this discussion being;

  1. Setting up health Programs
  2. Wholesome  training and development for a winning team – Panel
  3. Maintaining exemplary work culture
  4. Curbing erosion of Employee performance

To help unpack these topics and delve into their impact on employee performance, speakers who are experts in the different fields represented engaged HR professionals at the forum. Below are snippets of the invigorating discussions.

Maintaining Exemplary Work Culture – By Shadrack Kiprui, Lead, Human Resource Consultant Emerging Human Capital

brightermonday hr forum april 2019

Shadrack noted that many companies struggle to create a strong, magnetic culture because good company culture is a strong talent magnet. The core values in a company and how employees carry out their roles can be a great determinant in whether or not company objectives are met.

A strong and accommodative company culture helps retain the best talent, attract great talent and makes employees excellent brand ambassadors. Culture has to be created, nurtured and maintained for it to have a lasting impact both in an organization and externally. To find out more about company culture and its impact on employee performance, take a look at Shadrack’s full presentation here.

Watch a short summary of what Shadrack spoke about below;

Wholesome Training and Development for a Winning Team – Panel Discussion

A panel of 5 members helped unpack the underlying issues in Wholesome Training and Development.

brightermonday hr forum april 2019

According to the BrighterMonday Millennial report, training and development is one of the important factors influencing employee performance in the workplace. The report revealed the fact that employees consider a company’s training program as a consideration when looking for their next employer.

The panel went further to discuss ways of personalizing training and development efforts in the workplace in a way that ensures every employee gets wholesome training. Some of the issues pertaining to training that were raised during this discussion include;

  • The length of training
  • Training being a journey and not an event or a task to check off a box
  • Training being internalized by implementation and follow-up
  • Training being done according to an individual’s best style of learning

Catch snippets of this insightful discussion in the videos below and a comprehensive peak on our Youtube channel.

Setting Up WorkPlace Health Programs by Dr. Jackline Kitulu, President, Kenya Medical Association

brightermonday hr forum april 2019

Dr. Jackline Kitulu’s emphasis was on empowering employees in the workplace by embracing corporate wellness. According to her wellness encompasses the general well-being of individuals in all aspects of their lives including physical, mental, spiritual, financial as well as social aspects.

This means that employees in the workplace need to be balanced in order to perform as expected. If any aspect of life suffers, performance in the workplace is automatically and inadvertently affected. Therefore, employers should leverage their relationships with health institutions and partners to create wellness programs that seek to provide wholesome wellness support to employees in the workplace. See more of this from Dr. Kitulu’s presentation here.

Watch a short summary of what Dr. Kitulu spoke about below;

How to Minimise the Risk of Hiring a Non-Performer by Heather Oshea, Managing Partner, The African Talent Company

brightermonday hr forum april 2019

A candidate’s CV is the best advertisement that they will ever make, but that doesn’t mean that it is an accurate representation of the candidate. This is why interviews are critical in determining the suitability of a candidate.

Employers need to understand that during an interview, potential candidates are also interviewing the company to see if it fits in the picture of their ideal employer. Sell your company’s unique selling proposition during that time. It also means that line managers need to be trained on interviews to identify good fits, the on boarding process as well as the induction process. If either of these three is not done properly at the start, the company is setting up itself for disappointment in new hires a short time after hiring. Find out more the difference between on boarding and induction in this presentation by Heather.

Watch a short summary of what Heather spoke about below;

Be sure to join us for the next HR Forum for another stimulating discussion as we change narratives in the market. All communication on the same will be done on our channels.

Doreen Mueke
Notification Bell